Discover the depths of Pixel Dungeon, collect useful items, fight fierce monsters and find the Amulet of Yendor – the…
Search Results: Pixel Dungeon (30)
Play Mineblast, a platformer game featuring fully destructible environments. Use TNTs to destroy entire levels of the game and have…
Below the Stone by Strollart Studios and Apogee Entertainment is a miner’s delight and graphically sweet dungeon crawler that will keep you absorbed for hours! Its not easy, but nothing rewording ever is! I’m glad I added this to my pick list. Now where did put my pick axe! – Donnie, Editor,
Dank Bomb, Delve down into the dimly lit corridors of Dank Tomb and see if you can solve all its puzzles.
Get Out of This Dungeon is a great game for fans of dungeon crawlers and roguelikes. It is challenging but rewarding, and it offers a lot of replayability.
Curse of the Lich King is a challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. Players who are able to defeat the Lich King will be rewarded.
I’m very impressed with the graphics design of this PICO-8 game created in two week no less! I also like the inventory mechanics. I would like to see this game extended, for my selfish pleasure of course!. – Donnie, Editor, GF
Cathedral is another wonderful example of the Platformer Metroidvania genre. The graphics pop which again, is what gets my attention when selecting a game for my Picks List. Who doesn’t like a Knight in Shining Armor!
I think Alwa’s Awakening is a wonderful example of the Platformer Metroidvania genra. The graphics pop which is what gets my attention in when selecting a game for my Picks List. You also have multiple DLCs for a well rounded storyline.
Quest of Dungeons is a turn-based dungeon crawler game developed by David Amador, inlcudes goblins, orcs, skeletons, and bosses