With Sonic the Hedgehog Plus released in June 2023, a great collection of remasters from 2022 was also released. Like…
Search Results: Sonic Origins (8)
Sonic Origins Plus brings forward all the features of Sonic Origins delivered last year – Classic Mode, Anniversary Mode, widescreen support, added story animations, a virtual museum, and more – while adding a bunch of new content. First up, Sonic Origins Plus adds all 12 Sonic Game Gear games to the museum.
These menus of course let you select stages but if you play songs in the sound test in a certain order you can unlock the game’s debug modes, super-sonic tails, and knuckles. If you want to unlock the super characters
You aren’t gonna see a ton of these Cyber Space Portal S-Rank guides from us for Sonic Frontiers. The first…
We know, bugs suck! But the good news is, game devs fix many of them in the first few updates after the game is released. Thus the term “Hot Fix”. We document many bugs and fixes here on Gameforce.blog with links to the resources needed to get more information and hopefully a resolution to get you up and playing again quickly.
We know, bugs suck! But the good news is, game devs fix many of them in the first few updates after the game is released. Thus the term “Hot Fix”. We document many bugs and fixes here on Gameforce.blog with links to the resources needed to get more information and hopefully a resolution to get you up and playing again quickly.
Select a game from the list below to find more resources.
E3 is no more, but in its place a new different kind of summer video game show has emerged. It’s…